Private Coaching

Healthy Breathing basics 

Personal, tailored for you private coaching

The price includes a total of four coaching sessions, totalling 4.5 hours

Coaching is conducted via video meetings

What do you get - what does the coaching include?

Initial video coaching session 1.5-2h

  • Explore evidence-based knowledge of healthy breathing. This will surely motivate you sufficiently to start the project.

  • Measure your breathing level by using Body Oxygen Level Test. I will guide you on how to do this yourself in the future, providing you with a tool to track your progress.

  • We will discuss your individual needs based on your goals, health, fitness, life situation, and work situation. It's not necessary to share everything, but if you have any breathing-related challenges, it's beneficial to open up so we can build a better program to support you.

  • Discuss your goals for breathing and coaching. Is breathing a tool for maintaining health and well-being, or do you see it as a step towards something else?

  • Learn easy breathing exercises tailored to your breathing level. You can experience their immediate impact.

  • Receive a personalized coaching program in writing for the next two weeks.

Second and third coaching sessions, each lasting 1.5-2 weeks

  • Monitor the development of your baseline breathing.

  • Address any questions that may have arisen.

  • Deepen your theoretical knowledge as needed.

  • Receive new exercises in writing based on your progress.

  • Potentially move on to more advanced and effective exercises that you can practice, for example, while walking.

Fourth coaching session, at least one hour, approximately 1.5-2 weeks after the third session

  • Review all questions that have arisen along the way.

  • Perform advanced exercises.

  • Receive information on external tools that can further assist you, such as belts supporting diaphragmatic breathing, oxygen saturation monitors, sports masks, measuring heart rate variability for stress assessment, sleep tape, literature, and other strongly activating breathing exercises.

  • If you need assistance with any issues that have arisen during the journey, you'll get support.

  • I will provide you with the best possible tools for your journey so that you can continue and develop your practice independently. Our main goal is for you to gain motivation, learn, and incorporate the exercises into your daily life so that eventually you may no longer need them because healthy breathing becomes an automatic part of your everyday life.

  • Additionally, if you're interested in developing your awareness alongside breathing (mindfulness, meditation, body awareness, etc.), I'm happy to share all my experiences and tools that have served me throughout the journey.

  • Schedules are flexible and can be adjusted if last-minute changes occur due to your work, for example. During the coaching, you can reach out to me anytime. I've always been committed to supporting fellow travelers afterward, depending on my level of awareness and time availability.

What I need from you as your personal coach:

  • An open mind to try something new, especially if breathing is unfamiliar.

  • Approximately 1-1.5 hours of practice per week to enjoy the results. You can practice during work or leisure time, so you don't necessarily need separate time. If you practice, for example, 10 minutes in the evenings just before bedtime, it can help you get better sleep.

  • Patience and perseverance. Mastery is not always achieved overnight.

  • Your interest and motivation to return to your own power, wanting to become the Master of your own life.

  • It's good to understand that this practice should not cause any stress. We progress at the right pace for you—things happen when their time comes. Some exercises are very effective, so patience is crucial to avoid stress. You may notice that after the initial phase, your subconscious mind may start helping you move forward.

Warmly welcome to the coaching. Feel free to contact me if you want more information before starting the coaching.

Warmest thanks for reading this.

Richard Järvinen

Oxygen Advantage Certified Advanced Instructor