Support For Your Personal Growth

“With courage, enjoying the journey”

Have you ever thought or noticed that there is something great inside you? There is a much greater power within you than words can ever tell or describe.

You may have already experienced something in your life that has given you hints about this power.

Many ancient wise nations and sages recognized this power thousands of years ago. In our time, this idea is also supported by science, especially quantum physics.

In everything we do and offer at Aarre Wellness, we strive to do our best to provide you with all the tools that are on our level of consciousness. In this way, we help you in self-exploration that leads to the discovery of a brilliant greater power within you, if you so desire.

For many of us, the idea or belief has formed that revealing and harnessing this inner power requires a lot of effort and is not possible for a so-called normal person in normal life. According to many beliefs, years of self-exploration, isolation in a cave, monastery life, or adherence to certain belief systems or religions are required—in other words, strict discipline and restriction in some area. However, we believe that the time is ripe for different stories. Everyone has the opportunity to step into their own power and a state of peace. Sometimes, a little guidance on the journey can make finding this state easier.

At Aarre Wellness, we want to help you to navigate courageously towards your own path, towards your own self and dreams. We guide your way, but the work is everyone's own to do. When you step onto this path and find the flow state and peace, you no longer want to return to the past. Along the way, you will discover your abilities and opportunities for your dreams much greater than you could imagine before. Learning healthy breathing is a good way to get started.

If this thought interests you, continue exploring us on these pages, and you can always send us a message with questions.

Richard Järvinen

My name is Richard Järvinen. I was born in London but lived most of my childhood in Finland.

After successfully navigating a challenging childhood, I eventually found myself immersed in a fast-paced international business career, which led to extensive travel and living experiences around the world.

My spiritual journey began at the age of four when I first encountered the concept of heaven and hell while reading the Bible. Even as a very young child, I couldn’t fully grasp or believe in it, as it seemed devoid of logic, leading me to become a questioner. It wasn’t until around the age of thirty that I had some supernatural experiences that gently and gradually awakened me to the possibility that there might be something beyond what meets the eye. 

During my school years, I unexpectedly endured severe panic attacks. Later in my professional life, I confronted severe heart arrhythmias caused by prolonged, unconscious stress. I was prescribed lifelong medication, potentially followed by surgery, and even the installation of a pacemaker. In both instances, I made a resolute choice to explore alternative options and eventually made a complete recovery through self-healing, without the need for any medication.

Over the past 15 years, I have consistently questioned everything. I’ve delved into countless books, watched terabytes of videos, and participated in various training sessions, events, and retreats primarily in pursuit of ultimate truth. Lately, my focus has shifted towards conscious breathing and daily meditation. Throughout this journey, I’ve received support from numerous experts and have actively engaged in various retreats that have played a pivotal role in guiding me along my path.

Tiina Haaksluoto

I am Tiina Haaksluoto, a wonderer of the world and self-seeker. I spent my childhood in Finland, but for most of my working life, I’ve lived in other countries, working in large international companies. Helping people find their own strengths and follow their own path has always been close to my heart, and I have attended countless personnel and self-development trainings offered by the corporate world.

My spiritual path gained more momentum in the mid-2000s when I was living in China. Energy healing sessions and acupuncture treatments showed me the way to a new kind of world, which I wanted to explore more about.

My journey took me first to Reiki energy healing studies, and soon after to BodyMind Energy Balancing courses of the Finnish Energy Therapists, where the physical body, energy body, and emotional body treatments were at the center of the studies.

Since then, I have deepened my knowledge with various retreats, meditation, and breathing studies, and read many meters of literature. Daily meditations have been part of my everyday life for a long time. All of this has guided me towards a more balanced and healthier life.

Most recently, I attended the body awareness instructor training of the Tietoisuusakatemia (Consciousness Academy), which also included instructor training for Yoga Nidra and meditation. In particular, the body awareness and Yoga Nidra practices together with meditations have become an important daily exercise for me.

On my journey, I want to help fellow travelers with a balanced lifestyle. To find joy in life, and their own strength. A state of peace where it is good to be, live, and move towards their own dreams.

At the moment I live in Switzerland with my husband. We organize wellness retreats around the world with other like-minded people. We are also offering business coaching for companies and leaders.

What We Offer

Our offering comes down to three key, mutually supportive elements:

  1. Healthy and conscious breathing,

  2. Body awareness and meditation, and

  3. Transformative retreats (Individuals and leaders)

In retreats, all of the above comes together in one package.

Our custom retreats are always tailored to the group and individual preferences. From our network, we have a wealth of expertise that we can offer and leverage as needed.

For more information on healthy breathing, you can find details here.

We also provide private coaching packages for breathwork—find it here.

Next to this, you'll find more information about our work.

  • Everyone mastered the skill of healthy breathing during infancy and childhood. However, many of us have forgotten this crucial skill after childhood.

    In modern times, science has come to our aid, proving the benefits of healthy breathing. Through healthy breathing, we can quickly calm our autonomic nervous system, which helps with issues such as anxiety, panic disorders, asthma, fear management, blood pressure, sleep disorders, and stress management.

    Everyone reaps benefits from healthy breathing, but especially for athletes, those in a busy work environment, or those facing challenging life situations, healthy breathing can bring visible benefits quickly. Healthy breathing increases physical and mental endurance, enhances clarity in decision-making, improves performance, and communication.

    For businesses and sports communities: The first phase of healthy breathing coaching usually lasts from half a day to a full day. Coaching always supports the well-being, health, and performance of employees, athletes, and organizations and can be tailored according to preferences.

    The results can be astonishing, and the effects are long-lasting, as healthy breathing serves as a foundation upon which it's easy to build and from which to launch.

    For individuals: Currently, training in healthy breathing is offered either as private coaching or for small groups upon request. Coaching is always tailored case by case, considering personal situations such as stress, difficult life circumstances, and trauma.

    If you are interested in breathing coaching for yourself or your community, please feel free to contact us or join our mailing list, where we provide information about upcoming breathing coaching sessions.

    In our work, we mainly follow program.

  • Yoga Nidra is not the "ordinary yoga practice" that most of us have heard about. It's also called the "unspoken peace" or "yogic deep sleep," known in ancient texts as a state where practitioners can access hidden knowledge.

    Body awareness and Yoga Nidra practices guide you to sense your body more delicately and listen to its messages. Encouraging these practices is a great quote: "What you can feel, you can heal." Therefore, Yoga Nidra is a wonderful practice that helps enter a deep state of relaxation, creating a healthier life through listening to and allowing the messages of the body.

    Mindfulness is often discussed in the context of the workplace, and it can also refer to meditation. In meditation practices, various techniques allow the mind to empty itself—not necessarily to fill it. Of course, the mind can be directed to focus on something else, such as music, which can help calm the mind. We prefer the term meditation—it's a journey from chaos and movement to silence, a journey from physical limitations to limitlessness. In the words of the renowned Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda: "Learn to be calm and you will always be happy."

    Many of us struggle with quieting the mind, making meditation seem challenging. That's why, in addition to various meditation practices, we offer Yoga Nidra and body awareness exercises. Moving from the mind to the body, calming the nervous system, automatically quiets the mind. In this approach, meditation is not an action at the level of the mind; it's approaching calming the mind from the body's perspective—calming the body, and the mind follows.

    Meditation practices have been proven to have numerous emotional and physical benefits, such as releasing stress and fears, reducing negative emotions, increasing creativity, patience, and tolerance, helping and healing physical pains and symptoms. Often, meditation practices aim for better and healthier well-being. As a bonus, they help find a state of lasting peace amid the hustle and bustle. There are many types of meditation practices, and we offer several options so that everyone can find the best fit for their current situation.

    Body awareness, Yoga Nidra, and meditation practices are also part of our transformative retreats. Currently, we offer retreats on request for groups and businesses worldwide, but our goal is to organize separate online sessions.

    If you're interested in body awareness, Yoga Nidra, and meditation, please contact us, and we'll create a suitable package for you or join our mailing list, where we provide information about upcoming training, courses, and retreats.

  • As the name suggests, transformative retreats are designed to offer an opportunity for profound personal growth. We provide signposts and guidance on your path, towards your own power and dreams, on how to shape life in the desired direction. The depth and benefits of the transformation always depend on each individual's desire and openness to change. So, why not offer this opportunity to yourself or your community?

    Our retreats last either for a long weekend or a week. In these retreats, you'll meet people who share our passion for self-development and clarifying life's purpose. We also strengthen our inner strength and explore if there's something more behind our visible reality.

    Usually, we organize retreats around the world, and each retreat has about 10-15 spots available, ensuring maximum group and individual support.

    In this work we collaborate with like-minded, skilled people who help us get the most out of the retreat - for you

    If you're interested, feel free to reach out. Information about upcoming retreats will also be announced on these pages. If you wish, you can also join our mailing list to receive updates that way.

    We also organize customized retreats for compact work communities, sports teams, or other groups – inquire for more details.

  • In our Transformative Leadership Programs, we guide executive-level leaders on a journey to discover the path to complete freedom, inner peace, and fearless leadership. They acquire new tools for their leadership toolbox and, gradually, start to elevate their leadership approach to the next level. The core concept is to undergo personal transformation first, knowing that as we transform ourselves, the company around us will naturally follow.

    We arrange these programs on request but we are also planning to organise first public one during 2025. Planning is already ongoing.

    If you want to know more about forthcoming Transformative Leadership Bonfire, please either contact us or enrol on our mailing list.


If you have any questions do not hesitate to get in contact